Although it gives better coverage of later Anglo-Saxon times, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle does describe the Battle of Winwaed:
A.D. 655.
This year Penda was slain at Wingfield [Winwaed], and thirty royal personages with him, some of
whom were kings. One of them was Ethelhere, brother of Anna, King of the East-Angles. The Mercians after
this became Christians. From the beginning of the world had now elapsed five thousand eight hundred and
fifty winters, when Peada, the son of Penda, assumed the government of the Mercians. In his time came
together himself and Oswy, brother of King Oswald, and said, that they would rear a minster to the glory
of Christ, and the honour of St. Peter. And they did so, and gave it the name of Medhamsted; because
there is a well there, called Meadswell. And they began the groundwall, and wrought thereon; after which
they committed the work to a monk, whose name was Saxulf. He was very much the friend of God, and him
also loved all people. He was nobly born in the world, and rich: he is now much richer with Christ. But
King Peada reigned no while; for he was betrayed by his own queen, in Easter-tide.
This version varies from Bede's account. We assume the "royal personages" are the Britons mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth, although the Chronicle does not admit to this. The political background of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle does mean that such things as British incursions are missing. Perhaps this is why it fails to mention the presence of any Britons with Penda's army.
Derek Barker wrote to tell me that Medhamsted is now known as Peterborough - quite a way to the south of Northumbria.
Interestingly, there is no mention of Whitby.
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