The Battle of Winwaed - References

The following web pages and references were used whilst researching these pages.

Bede, "Ecclesiastical History of the English People", translation by Leo Sherley-Price, revised by R.E. Latham (Penguin 1990).

Geoffrey of Monmouth "The History of the Kings of Britain", translation by Lewis Thorpe (Penguin 1966).

"The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle", translation ed. Michael Swanton (1988).

Langdale, Thomas; "A Topographical Dictionary of Yorkshire - For the Year 1822"

Barwicker No. 1, "The Battle of Winwaedfield", Arthur Bantoft

Barwicker No. 39, "The Ancient Kingdom of Elmet"

Barwick-in-Elment Historical Society

Breeze, A.C.; "The Battle of the Uinued and the River Went, Yorkshire" Northern History v41 Issue 2 (September 2004).

Walker, J.W.; "The Battle of Winwaed and the Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial." Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 37 (1948).

Walker, J.W.; (paper title unknown) Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 36 (1947).

Geological Map 1:50,000 series, Sheet 70 Leeds; British Geological Survey.

Landranger Map (1:50,000) Sheet 104, Leeds & Bradford; Ordnance Survey.

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